Primal Rage Moves List ======================= Here's a quick move list for the 4 Meg Version of Primal Rage for el PC...I don't have all the moves, and I'm missing 13 finishing moves...if you know any, pleasse let me know.... IMPORTANT: All special moves are done by holding down buttona 1 and 3 (high quick and low quick) and performing the proper joystick movements...each move will jsut list the movements since the buttons are all the same... D-Down U-Up T-Towards opponent A-Aawy from opponent * : finishing move ** : chomp a human ARMADON bed-o-nails: d-d-t iron maiden: a-u-t rushing uppercut: a-d-t gut gouger: t-t-a hornication uppercut: d-t-a flying spikes: a-a-u *gut fling: ?? *meditation: ?? *falling spikes: d-a-u-d **chomp a human: u-t-d BLIZZARD quick mega punch: a-u-t short megs punch: a-d-t long mega punch: a-t-t fake mega punch: d-u-u cold breath: d-a-t ice geyser: d-d-u punching bag: ?? throw: t-d-u-a air throw: buttons 1+3 in air *brain bash: d-u-t-u *to-da-moon: ?? *redemption: d-t-u-d-u **chomp a human: ?? CHAOS grab-n-throw: t-a-a slow power puke: u-a-a fast power puke: u-t-t fart of fury: d-t-u-a ground shaker: a-u-d flying butt slam: ?? battering ram: f-f-f *golden shower: ?? *cannonball: ?? *churl: ?? **chomp a human: t-d-a-u DIABLO slow fireball: d-a-a faast fireball: d-t-t torch: u-d-d hot foot: a-d-t mega lunge: d-u-t pulverizer: u-t-t inferno flash: u-u-u *incinerator: u-a-d-d-t *fireball: t-t-t *infernal: ?? **chomp a human: d-u-d SAURON primal scream: ?? earthquake stomp: u-d-d cranium crusher: d-u-u leaping bone bash: d-u-d stun roar: a-t-t neck throw: t-a-a *carnage: ?? *flesh eating: ?? *grape crusher: ?? **chomp a human: d-d-u TALON brain basher: a-u-t pounce and flip: ?? frantic fury: d-t-a-t double slash: d-u-t face ripper: d-d-t jugular bite: ?? run forward/back: a-a-a or t-t-t (hold in position last time to run) *heart wrenching: ?? *shredding: ?? *stampede: t-a-u-d **chomp a human: t-d-a VERTIGO slow venom spit: d-t-t fast venom spit: d-a-a voodoo spell: t-a-a teleport: d-d-d come slither: a-a-a scorpion sting: ?? *petrify: ?? *shrink and eat: a-a-d-u *la vache qui rit: a-a-d-t **chomp a human: d-t-u "You may want to shield yourself with your dessert menus, I might be dangerous!" --- The Tick ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() () Chris McCullough () "Sometimes I go into my own little world... () () (aka Sir Galahad) () but that's okay, they know me there." () () () --- Joel Hodgson () () () () ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() "Good evening. Last week we learned how to saw a lady in half. This week we're going to learn how to saw a lady in three bits and dispose of the body." --- Michael Palin (Monty Python) "Conjuring Today"